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Internal factors influencing sales growth and solutions – the case of CAO Fine Jewellery Co., Ltd

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Download Master Thesis: Internal factors influencing sales growth and solutions – the case of CAO Fine Jewellery Co., Ltd

Mã sản phẩm: ThS08.152 Danh mục: , Thẻ: , Nơi xuất bản: Trường Đại học Kinh Tế TpHCMLoại tài liệu: Luận văn thạc sĩChuyên Ngành: Quản trị kinh doanhNgôn ngữ: Tiếng AnhNăm: 2020Tên tác giả: Truong Nhat Tien
Số trang: 61

Download Master Thesis: Internal factors influencing sales growth and solutions – the case of CAO Fine Jewellery Co., Ltd

Jewelry industry is very competitive, this is right for not only the big jewelry organization as PNJ, DOJI, SJC… but also local business. The quality of products and services are the weapons that they use to face with competitors. CAO Fine Jewellery has been found with the purpose to serve high-end customers who have desire for unique design and very high demand for quality of the products as well as service.

In the past, CAO has been very successful but the market has changed and the firm could not adapt it in the last two years. The significant decrease in revenue is a warning bell for the firm and CAO need to find the problems in order to improve the current business situation.

Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is finding the key problems and provide solution which is identified base on the analysis of theories and empirical interview stakeholders. From those analysis, the thesis suppose that the orientation of the company has been abandoned by the market and the lack of specific analysis method in identifying target customers is identified as the main cause leading to CAO does not attract new customers.

Keywords: Sales management

ThS08.152_Internal factors influencing sales growth and solutions – the case of CAO Fine Jewellery Co., Ltd

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ThS08.152_Internal factors influencing sales growth and solutions – the case of CAO Fine Jewellery Co., Ltd
Internal factors influencing sales growth and solutions – the case of CAO Fine Jewellery Co., Ltd