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LotteMart Nam Sai Gon – The importance of customer loyalty improvement in sale performance

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Download Master’s Theses: LotteMart Nam Sai Gon – The importance ofcustomer loyalty improvement in sale performance (ThS08.067)

Mã sản phẩm: ThS08.067 Danh mục: , Thẻ: , Loại tài liệu: Luận văn thạc sĩChuyên Ngành: Quản trị kinh doanhNơi xuất bản: International School of Business (ISB), Trường Đại học Kinh Tế TpHCMNgôn ngữ: Tiếng AnhNăm: 2020Định dạng file: pdfTên tác giả: Le Vu Binh
Số trang: 50

Download Master’s Theses: LotteMart Nam Sai Gon – The importance of customer loyalty improvement in sale performance (ThS08.067)

Vietnam has been experiencing phenomenal rates of growth in its retailing industry and considered as fastest growing in ASIA. One of ways to prevail in retail industry is salvaging loyalty program as effectively competitive strategy in order to attract, engage, grow, retain and nurture customers in increasing sales & profit performance.

However, in LOTTE Mart Nam Sai Gon, after analyzing annual report and relevant others, the store is facing imperative problems that sales of customer loyalty went down 9% comparing 2018. Utilizing different literature, together with customer surveys, in-Dept employee’s interviews, the author identified main problems to impact shopping decision of membership.

Findings indicated that potential problems listed as Products (assortment) does not adapt to membership’s needs, customer loyalty’s benefits is unattractive, lack of shopping experience, bad attitude of staffs. The author recognize main cause of problems is low competitiveness of member benefits. And designing solution that the company should acquire and serve core customers in various segments, concentrate on increase revenue of top sales membership group with privilege benefits.

In summary, the thesis show main problems, main cause and how to make most reasonable solutions based on literature reviews and experience as well.

LOTTE Corporation is multinational Top Five largest group of South Korea, LOTTE start business from June 28, 1948, established by Mr Shin Kyuk-ho Korean businessman in Tokyo. LOTTE expanded its business in the whole country, South Korea by the establishing confectionery company in Seoul on Dec 18, 1959. LOTTE developed strongly to become South Korea’s biggest business group at fifth position LOTTE Group include more than 90 business subsidiaries that hiring over 60,000 staffs appealed in such diversified field as confect manufacturing, financial services alcohol, resorts, health and beauty, retail, personal care, industry chemicals, electric, Information Technology, construction, publish, and entertainment. LOTTE owns additional businesses  in Taiwan, Philippine, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, America, Great Britain, China, Russia, Philippines, Uzbekistan and Poland.

ThS08.067_LotteMart Nam Sai Gon – The importance of customer loyalty improvement in sale performance

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ThS08.067_LotteMart Nam Sai Gon - The importance of customer loyalty improvement in sale performance
LotteMart Nam Sai Gon – The importance of customer loyalty improvement in sale performance