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Empirical Research on the Influence Factors of Ecommerce Adoption among Ecommerce Companies in Vietnam


Download Free: Empirical Research on the Influence Factors of Ecommerce Adoption among Ecommerce Companies in Vietnam

Mã sản phẩm: NKT01.020 Danh mục: , Thẻ: , , , , Chuyên Ngành: Kinh tếNăm: 2022Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng AnhNơi xuất bản: SpringerTên tác giả: Duong Nguyen Huu Thi Thuy
Số trang: 22

Download Free: Empirical Research on the Influence Factors of Ecommerce Adoption among Ecommerce Companies in Vietnam

This research examines which technological, organizational and environmental factors affecting e-commerce adoption in Vietnam generally as well as B2B, B2C and P2P model particularly. The TOE framework is implemented in order to investigate the degree of impact of these e-commerce adoption factors. This is qualitative research, which use interviews method to collect data.

There are five participants from 4 companies in the interviews. After collecting data, “template analysis” is used to analyse the effects of e-commerce adoption factors. The finding suggests that the companies should focus on the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, top management support, size of company, strategic orientation, competitive environment, supplier and buyer pressure and government support.

Furthermore, these factors will affect different e-ecommerce model in different degree. This research does not only provide a comprehensive picture of the ecommerce adoption in Vietnam market but also a deep insight view of the entire market and different ecommerce models.

Keywords: Ecommerce adoption; technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework; business model.

Since the implementation of “Doi moi” policies which transform the economy from centrally planned economy to a market economy in 1986, the Vietnamese government tried to find ways of reducing the dependency of its economy on foreign countries and developing domestic market to sustain economic growth (Le et al. 2012). It is a milestone of bringing businesses the freedom of trading and the diversification of various type of goods and business model. Hence, Vietnam market has various opportunities to open to worldwide market especially in the globalization era.

In today world of globalization, companies and Government of different nations interact and integrate with each other. It provides various expanding business opportunities for entrepreneurship all around the world. In recent year, globalization has been not driven by only financial market, international trade and technological development but also soaring flows of data and information (Mckinsey 2016). It means that in order to adapt with the trend of the market, entrepreneurship must transform digitally (Biggiero 2007). According to Jeffrey Hart (2010), there is a link between globalization and digitalization. In Vietnam, the digitization is not a new term. According to General Secretary Dao, digitization has an enormous potential in Vietnam market (Customnews 2017). However, only a limited number of enterprises has started to digitize their business. Besides, Kantar Worldpanel, a  global expert in shoppers’ behaviour, has researched that Vietnam is one of the world’s fastest growing e-commerce countries (Vietnamnet 2017). In Vietnam, there are 35.4 million e-commerce users in Vietnam currently and it is forecasted to increase by 6.6 million in 2021 (Eshopworld 2018).

NKT01.020_Empirical Research on the Influence Factors of Ecommerce Adoption among Ecommerce Companies in Vietnam

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Empirical Research on the Influence Factors of Ecommerce Adoption among Ecommerce Companies in Vietnam
Empirical Research on the Influence Factors of Ecommerce Adoption among Ecommerce Companies in Vietnam